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Beef Tacos

I usually make these tacos whenever there is leftover barbecue beef, although any other type of cooked beef will do just fine. They are a true lifesaver on Mondays! They always come out

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Tomato Soup

Summer is not here yet, so it is still soup season. Tomato soup is a household favorite, so I make it quite often. It is super tasty and it comes together in no

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This is one of the most popular Middle Eastern dishes. It is usually served with Pita flatbread, Tahini sauce or hummus, tomato and cucumber salad, but the truth is that if it is

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Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Some vegetables taste ever better when roasted! And that is precisely the case of Brussels Sprouts, with caramelized crispy leaves and creamy hearts. They make great side dishes and salads. 

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Fish en Papillote

This is such an easy recipe to make! There are times when we feel like trying out new ways of cooking fish, and this is a great idea to combine it with vegetables.

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Stuffed Pumpkin

This vegetarian flourless dish is a great way to start the week! Basically, the stuffing can be made with anything you have at home. I used quinoa, red onion, green onion, black beans,

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