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Asparagus pie

Asparagus pie I like using seasonal fruits and vegetables because not only they are at their best, but they are also cheaper than at any other time of the year. An asparagus pie

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Grilled Zucchini

Almost anything zucchini recipe is delicious, but grilled is my favorite.  It makes a healthy, easy and quick side dish. This time I used the grill, but you can totally use a griddle. 

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Challah bread is made specially for Jewish holidays and Shabbat. Traditionally, a round Challah is served for Rosh Hashana, Jewish New Year, because it represents the circularity of time, and the circularity and

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Basil Pesto Sauce

Having a jar of fresh pesto in the fridge is a must for me. This super fresh, delicious sauce is great for pasta, salads, sandwiches, pizza, soups, fish or meat… the applications are

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