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Chocolate Mousse with Praline and Meringue

This smooth creamy chocolate mousse is packed with rich chocolate flavor! This no-bake quick recipe is a keeper, you will absolutely love it! And to make this dessert even better, I topped it with torched meringue and some crushed almond praline. It doesn’t get any better than this!!

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Pumpkin Pie

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, one of the most important holidays in the US, which occurs on the fourth Thursday in November. There are many versions of its origin, but the most popular one is

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Chocolate Pecan Pie

I can’t imagine a Thanksgiving with one of these tarts. To the traditional Pecan Nuts tart I added a little twist which believe me you’ll love it! On top of the base a layer of shredded chocolate and above a delicious mix of pecan nuts. God, it’s so so good!

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Banana Pudding

Banana Pudding! Oh my gosh, soo good!! So easy to make, delicious and no bake treat! Made with layers of Nilla Wafers, a homemade vanilla pudding and fresh banana slices.

I’m sure you’ll love this classic recipe!!

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